Literally. My "backyard" has been expanding exponentially as of late, so the last thing I need is pounds of yummy chocolate stashed in the cupboard. So I successfully unloaded our excess Halloween candy on my office coworkers today. They bitched and moaned when I brought it in this morning, but hhhmmmm,... looks TO ME, as of 4pm today, like it's been pretty well picked through. Big whiners!!
Real estate growth aside, I purchased Nancy Bush's Vintage Socks book over the weekend. It has some cool patterns, but now, after doing a little research, it seems like I should have bought the Sensational Knitted Socks book instead / in addition. The cover design is a bit unfortunate, to say the least (!!), but I'll have to check it out. I have a 30% off coupon at Border's, and bonus!, it's supposedly "in stock" at the downtown store.
Are there socks in my future? Maybe. But probably not until I finish the TWO PAIR I already have on the needles for my guy!
We have our 18 week ultrasound on Thursday, and supposedly will be able to find out the gender of the bean. As wishy-washy as it sounds, we can't decide whether to find out or not. Or, more accurately, I can't decide. The husband claims he's just along for the ride on this one, and I can make the call. So on one hand, it would be nice to wait and have it be a surprise, but on the other hand, isn't just having the kid arrive surprise enough? Gah. Or hey! Maybe we'll find out, and NOT TELL ANYONE! Heh heh heh. Now that's something to think about,...