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Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Eeek! You have had some really scary appliances. I'm going to have to stop complaining about mine. They look wonderful as a comparison.

You're still down for the SW meet-up Saturday night, right?

Oooh, what a gorgeous new stove. Won't that be so great once it's in!?! I'm so jealous...hopefully we'll be in a new home soon and I can start looking at appliances...

~ Christina

I *love* the German long-tailed cast on, it's been my new fave ever since I got Sweaters from Camp last summer. I like the extra stretch and the form of the first row.

Hey, your envelope arrived on Tuesday and thanks oodly oodles for picking it up for me. If I see you at SW, don't let me weasel out of paying!

What kind of knitting machine do you have? How do you like it?

Your first line about the electrician laughing just cracked me up. We had similar issues when we redid our kitchen a few years back! Have a great time at stitches!

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